The Gender Equity and Women Emowerment Programme (GEWEP), of the JDPC, Ijeb-Ode is responsible for the commission’s work in respect of protecting the rights of women and mainstreaming gender consideration into governance. The programme is the commission’s operational unit dedicated to creating a society in which women are able to live in dignity, to develop and employ their potentials and abilities to the full, and to relate to men on the basis of mutual respect and consideration. In pursuit of this vision, GEWEP pays attention to the fact that women bear the over whelming portion of the burden of poverty in the society. The programme is therefore committed to working for pro-poo a policy framework in governance and development, especially in regards of gender issues.
- Raise the consciousness of women in respect of fundamental human rights, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), gender, political, economic and health issues.
- Increase the number of women holding Key positions t0 a minimum of 35% in public decision making – processes in Ogun State.
- Build the capacity of women with various vocational and professional skills to enhance their economic productivity and social barging power.
- Reduce the Socio-cultural imbalances and discrimination against women in the society by targeting poor households for economic empowerment through the Micro-credit unit.
- Advocate for policy reformation an implementation to promote gender equity through effective women’s mobilization, organization and social integration and inclusion,
- Build and strengthen the capacity of the Coalition of Women’s Association in Ogun State, (COWAOS), for effective participation in decision making processes and to enhance their autonomy and self-reliance.
Collaboration with government agencies like the Ministry of Women Affairs, the Social Welfare departments, the Ministry of Justice through the Citizens right department and the Nigeria Police Force has contributed to making more victims of gender-based violence speak out. Normally in Nigeria the Police will not likely intervene in matters considered to be domestic violence and do not consider wife battery as an offence because existing legal instruments do not treat wife amuse as a criminal offence.
Enhanced women’s economic empowerment in Ogun State: The Centre for Grassroots Economic Empowerment (CEGEE) disburses soft loans to stimulate and support the economic activities of women in the State. GEWEP coordinates the coalition of these women to have a common voice and strategy in decision making. Presently CGEE has the strength of over 80,000 women, whose economic and social status have improved.
The increasing agitation of COWAOS and CGEE members have contributed to increase in women’s leadership and participation.
. Normally in Nigeria, the police will not likely intervene in matters considered to be domestic violence and do not consider wife battery as an offence because existing legal instruments do not treat wife abuse as a criminal offence. For instance, in the Penal Code law CAP 89, Laws of the Northern Nigeria wife battery is not an offence committed by the husband because it is seen as a purpose of correcting her. However, JDPC relationship with the police has influence the Police positively. Police officers are now responsive to deal with culprits of gender-based violence and this is instilling fear in offenders and wading off intending culprits.
Political activism of COWAOS through letters to the State government, gave rise to the deliberate efforts of the State government quota affirmative action of 35% women position in the State. The State government appointed more women after Local government elections. This has improved the visibility of women in governance in the State.
The newly passed criminal justice administrative law has given power to the State Police Prosecutor who is a lawyer to handle cases of gender –based violence. This is enhancing justice for victims. Previously such cases were handled by inexperienced police officers.
More, Police/Gender and Human rights desk (i.e. Gender liaison officers), has been setup at the Police Area command office. These are to handle cases of gender-based violence speedily against the conventional bureaucratic processes. This is as a result of GEWEP’S collaborative work, with the Ministry of Justice, Police, social welfare and Ministry of Women Affairs.
The adult literacy and political school for women is witnessing the emergence of few women that could neither read nor write before now, and making them viable candidate for election., apart from that these women can now speak up in public and have a voice in decisions that affect them.
Five women chiefs who are COWAOS members sitting with men on the topmost decision-making sphere in traditional communities is a paradigmatic shift. This is not about numbers alone but about actual power.
Loud and clear voices of men and women, on gender equality and gender-based violence slowly but steadily breaking the walls of patriarchy.