The Good Governance Unit of the Justice Development and Peace Commission (JDPC), Ijebu-Ode.There is mutual reinforcement between good governance and human rights. These rights are set of values that guide the work of government and other political and social actors however, the content of good governance efforts are informed by the principles of human rights. Good governance speaks to how public actors effectively and efficiently use public resources for the realization of human rights.
It is therefore crystal clear that the without good governance, human rights cannot be respected and protected in a sustainable manner. Moreover, the linkage between good governance and human rights is organized around four areas; democratic institutions, public service delivery, rule of law and anti-corruption.
In the Nigeria context, the major challenge in advancing it development is democratizing governance is first, the opening up of the political space to allow participation by every individual and social group to promote their interests and concerns and, second, involving them in the governance process so that they are able to influence and monitor the policies and practices of the government. This is necessary to remedy a major failing of representative governance in Nigeria. That failing is the divorce of the people from governance and the near-complete insulation of their representatives from popular pressure, allowing the representatives to rule almost exclusively in their own interest.
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It is in this context the GOOD GOVERNANCE UNIT of the Gender and Human Rights Programme of Justice, Development and Peace Commission, Ijebu Ode was established. Most importantly, the unit acts as an empowering agent, between the demand side of governance and the supply side of governance. The unit is committed to politically empower the people to organise in interest groups, to ensure that they promote and seek ways to enforce their human rights based on a good grasp of the principles of democracy and the need for people as stakeholders to participate in democratic processes. The unit strategy is to equip the people with basic policy analysis tools to understand the policy gaps and engage government officials in the implementation of pro-people policies.
Our work covers;
- Election Observation
- Building capacity of the demand side of governance
- Public Policy Advocacy
- Public Policy Monitoring and Tracking
- Social and Development Research
- Promoting Multi-stakeholders Partnership
- Coalescing and Coordinating Civil Society in Ogun State on Policy issues
- Engaging public and political institutions/offices
Currently, the good governance unit is working on EQUITY BUDGETING with special focus on agriculture, environment, health and education. (more details on JDPC strategic plan)
Our focus has been on the health sector with special reference to improving maternal health outcomes and by extension primary health care services in Ogun State, the unit adopted the SPARK Model (Strengthening Public Accountability for Result and Knowledge). This program is supported by International Budget Partnership (IBP).
SPARK 1 report
SPARK 2 Interventions