Human Rights Education Programme promotes, value, belief and attitude that encourage all individual to uphold their own rights and those of others, it develops an understanding of everyone’s common responsibility to make human rights a reality in each community, association, groups and learning centre. Human rights education and extension services is also to equip people with knowledge, skills and values to recognize, claim and defend their rights, it also contributes to the building of free, just and peaceful societies, having human rights and extension services increasingly recognized as an effective strategy to prevent human rights abuses as enshrined in chapter 1V of the 1999 constitution.
In the time past till this present moment the units receive complaint on the violation of people’s rights by making It compulsory for people to join association, even set up a committee called “task force” to seize people’s tool for not joining the association which is considered a criminal offence under the law. There is also high increase in the sales of daily and weekly ticket to the motorcycle and tricycle by the state and local government, the Nigeria Labour Congress NLC also introduce daily ticket to the above association which is considered multiple taxation. The unit also observes underage motorcycle riders in the community and charged to call the attention of the local government.
However, extension service in association, schools/ colleges, groups and community to know their rights, claim and defend it so that their rights will not be abused nor neglected, this addresses SDG goal 4, target 4:7, ensure all learners acquire knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including among others through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights , gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of culture diversity and of cultures contribution to sustainable development.
The unit continuously enlightening and sensitize children and parents on “knowing your rights” with the notion of introducing these rights and instill democratic principles at the very young age, this has been done through peace club and the increase in the number of peace club in schools and colleges is thereby important leveraging on the recognition and acceptance of the club by the State Government through the Ministry of Education.
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